Wednesday, December 21, 2011

momma's birthday.

I said a while back that I was really excited about the present I got my mom for her birthday this year. I know that was quite some time ago, but I forgot I never put pictures up! Here are a few from her bday!
Cakes are a HUUUUUGE deal in my family. I mean, BIG. Like, if you don't start planning what kind of cake you're going to have weeks in advance, it's just a disaster. My mom likes the icing, and I like the cake. So it usually works out pretty well. This year her cake was white cake with vanilla icing. I don't recommend this color icing. While it was really aesthetically pleasing, the color made me feel like I was eating pepto-bismol. I'll stick to white from now on. We always get our cakes from Kern's (bakery in Longview). They're just the best. 
 If any of you follow pinterest on a regular basis, I'm not sure how you could've missed this idea on there. I saw it on there, and decided to give it a go! My mom is the most selfless, giving person I know. I could write a novel (as you'll see) on all the ways she has touched other people. So for her birthday, I decided to get friends and family to  each write a little something about the way she has impacted them. It could've been a funny story, a sweet note, or a "thank you." I was in tears putting this together, and I'm pretty sure she shed a few when she opened it as well. Thank you to everybody who helped!


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